giovedì 7 settembre 2017


Kudos: questi sconosciuti per la popolarità su Strava

Il termine Kudos per gli amici di Strava è parte del gergo comune. Lo si legge spesso, lo si pronuncia a volte e poi a volte il click scatta. Ma esattamente: cosa sono i Kudos di Strava? Il Kudos non è altro che il “like” di Facebook. Lo ricevi da chi ti segue o chi vede la tua attività resa pubblica. Se gli piace può lasciare il suo Like … ops, Kudos a quello che hai appena fatto.

Kudos e popolarità

Vuoi diventare (=sentirti) popolare su Strava aumentando i Kudos ricevuti? Ecco una sorta di mini guida con dei suggerimenti per averli rapidamente.
  1. Ricordati di rendere pubbliche le tue attività
  2. Mettere un “titolo cattivo” che  incentiva la curiosità dei tuoi fans
  3. Abbellisci l’allenamento con delle foto
  4. Racconta l’allenamento con una breve descrizione
  5. Partecipa alle community su Strava
  6. Allenati con fantasia: disegna più che riesci nuovi percorsi
  7. Traccia nuovi segmenti e conosci virtualmente i tuoi “avversari” ed allo stesso modo loro potranno conoscere te
  8. Social Network: condivi più che riesci sui social network in modo da fare conoscere a tutti le tue attività
In questi sette punti (più uno) vi ho brevemente riassunto come diventare popolari su Strava o almeno come potete provarci. Avere un seguito non è così facile, ma non è del tutto impossibile. Nel mio piccolo, quando lo scorso anno gareggiavo tanto ero riuscito a riceverne parecchi di Kodus con mio grande stupore.
Sia chiaro che queste regole valgono per il running ed anche per il ciclismo.
We all love an epic adventure, but Strava is about so much more than big mileage or long climbs. The community is what keeps us coming back to upload our last race or commute. And kudos are the way the Strava community shows its appreciation for those adventures.
There are skills and a few hacks you can use to collect the Ks. Whether it’s your long ride or even a commute, these ten tips can help boost your kudos count. Master the art of timing your posts, carefully selecting the photos, scripting the title and composing an activity.
1. Have a great activity title
The title is one of the first things people will see in their feed. To come up with a good name, think about what stood out in your activity. Did you stop for donuts? Was it really hot? Maybe you got a new pair of shoes? Anything is better than “morning ride.” Some of our favorite activity titles aren’t even related to sport, they’re just hilarious! Take a look at the example from Donny Perry. Nothing to do with cycling, except that you can imagine someone saying that on a group ride.
2. Add photos
Photos are one of the easiest and most effective ways to make your activity stand out in the feed. If you ride or run with your phone, just snap a shot of something beautiful or iconic along the way. Having a bunch of great photos on your profile will entice people to follow you too. If you finish your activity and realize you don’t have a photo that fits, maybe you just add a meme. Everyone likes memes.
3. Add a description
What’s the story behind your activity? Use the description section to tell people how hard the climb was or how sick the descent was. Keep notes on how you felt during a workout and what intervals you did too. People who do this well will establish a following of people checking back to see how their season is unfolding, like Anton Krupicka who uses the description section of his activities like a blog.
4. Be social
You get more kudos when you give more kudos. Get out there and be a part of the conversation. Comment on friends’ activities and follow people you race with and pretty soon you’ll get more kudos than ever. If you have an iOS device, try shaking the phone while you view a matched activity to drop a kudos bomb – giving kudos to everyone.
5. Be a professional athlete
There are few better ways to get attention on Strava than to match activities with the other pros at the Tour de France. If you win, Velonews might even share your activity in a race report. Sure, it’ll take years of hard work and sacrifice, but the question is: how bad do you want those kudos?
6. Go on an adventure
Is there a bucket list ride or run you’ve always wanted to do? Well, chances are someone else has been dreaming of it too. And when they see that legendary route in their feed, they’ll be giving you the kudos in no time! The 46 mile Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim run is a massive undertaking. But if you can complete the entire journey, you’ll be rewarded with some thumbs up. Best used in conjunction with photos, a snappy title and a description.
7. Make Art
Plan your route to ride a masterpiece. Take a look at what the streets of your city might offer and go out and try and make it. Having a piece of Stravart in your palmares will definitely attract some fans. It could be a piece that shows your apprenticeship or it could be a masterwork.
8. Share your Activity
Grow your Strava following by recruiting the fans you’ve got on your other networks. Share your epic activity to your Facebook, Instagram or even LinkedIn. Riding 20 hour weeks? Sounds like management material.
9. Be a Local Celebrity
If your name gets passed around a lot, people will be flocking to your Strava profile and giving up the kudos. You could be the fastest climber in town or organize a local group event. Give back to your community and they’ll give back to you.
10. Be Active in a Strava Club
Being active in your local community is great, but you can always go right to the source and be a part of a Strava community! Join a Strava club and participate in club discussions. You might learn something and meet some cool people in addition to getting some thumbs up.
Looking for a way to track the massive upward trend your kudos will be making after you enact these ten steps? Check out Project Kodos in Strava Labs for some fun insights into your kudos count! And if you’ve got a favorite tip for getting more kudos, share it in the comments below.

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